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What I Learned at South Florida Code Camp

South Florida Code CampSouth Florida Code Camp 2013 is now over. This was a large event on the campus of Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The organizers did an excellent job, especially considering that there were about 80 speakers, over 1200 registrants, nearly 90 sessions and a blizzard in the northeast (which prevented a number of speakers from attending). A big thank you to Rainer Habermann, Dave Noderer and everyone else that was involved in making this event happen.

Since I have been attending a fair number of conferences and code camps, I have decided that it might be worthwhile for me to start sharing what I learn at these events. If this goes well, I’ll likely continue.

Here are my notes from the event. Some of these are things that I just learned. Most are things that I knew already, but enjoyed the reminder.

So here we go. What I learned (or re-learned) at South Florida Code Camp.
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