Learn Every Programming Language
There are many reasons to continue learning. Getting a raise, sharpening your existing skills or even finding deeper fulfillment. Whatever your reason, one of the… Read More »Learn Every Programming Language
There are many reasons to continue learning. Getting a raise, sharpening your existing skills or even finding deeper fulfillment. Whatever your reason, one of the… Read More »Learn Every Programming Language
JavaScript strict mode tells the interpreter to be more particular about what is allowed. In general terms, strict mode makes your code a little safer by turning some bad coding practices into exceptions.
For existing code, this is good and bad. It’s good, because it helps you find some potential bugs, like accidental globals. It’s bad because code that used to work, might now be broken.
Here’s the kicker: for new code, it is almost always good.
Read More »Strict Mode in JavaScript
Because JavaScript uses prototype-based inheritance, there is no keyword to define a member as “private” or “protected”. Either the object has a member, or it doesn’t, and you can access that member from anywhere you can access the object. Do not despair! There is a way to implement private variables… using another feature of the language: closures!
Closures are fairly simple, but frequently misunderstood. What you need to know for now, is that a closure allows you to reference an outer variable from within a function, even when the function is called from another context.
This will make more sense when you see some code.Read More »Private Variables in JavaScript
JavaScript is one of the most widely used and misunderstood programming languages in existence. Nearly every personal computer and mobile device in the world can interpret it, and nearly every developer (and non-developer) that has made a website has written it, some without knowing it!
If you call yourself a JavaScript developer, then here are some things that the language can do that you need to know about, whether you use them or not! If you are using them, then you should understand them!
Read More »Useful JavaScript Features You Aren’t Using