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Geek and Nerd In-Jokes: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy GrailThis next installment in my inside-jokes sequence is a very fun movie that my wife can’t stand. The only thing she likes from this movie is the logical method for determining if someone is a witch, which was screened and discussed in her college logic class.

As for me, this film is one of my favorites, and I can be caught quoting it frequently.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is a movie that was made by the British comedy group that called themselves Monty Python. It follows the adventures of Sir Arthur of Camelot and his Knights of the Round Table as they quest to find the Holy Grail. Comedy ensues throughout their exploits. I won’t tell you how it ends, but it is both disappointing and humorous.
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Geek and Nerd In-Jokes: Star Wars Holiday Special

Star Wars Holiday SpecialEverybody loves inside jokes, and you have inevitably found yourself on the outside a time or two. The more obscure the reference, the more fulfilling it is when someone else “gets it”.

I thought it would be fun to review some of my favorites, so you can feel cool when you catch them in some of my other blog posts. I’ll try to keep them mostly geek/nerd/tech related, but no promises…

Star Wars Holiday Special

The Star Wars Holiday Special is a horribly awesome holiday variety show that takes place (mostly) in the Star Wars universe.
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